Who thinks living in China or Russia is a picnic?
Did anyone make that claim?
step by step, the chinese seem to be building a complete alternative financial system - independent of anglo-america.
this includes their own version of the imf and their own credit rating agency (which just downgraded the debt of the us).. meanwhile, the world obsesses with putin - which has all the appearance of the western world 'being played' by a "good cop, bad cop" routine.
Who thinks living in China or Russia is a picnic?
Did anyone make that claim?
step by step, the chinese seem to be building a complete alternative financial system - independent of anglo-america.
this includes their own version of the imf and their own credit rating agency (which just downgraded the debt of the us).. meanwhile, the world obsesses with putin - which has all the appearance of the western world 'being played' by a "good cop, bad cop" routine.
Very true - and so much for that arch-dingbat, Frederick Franz, and his talk of the "King of the North" being the "Communist Block."
The facts are that the Chinese Communists achieved power without any more than token assistance from the Soviet Union, they certainly took no orders from Joseph Stalin, and after 1960 neither country even pretended that they were on the same side.
Yugoslav Communism owed allegiance to nobody at all (Tito having hoisted the proverbial two-fingered salute at Stalin at the end of WWII), and North Vietnam likewise took no orders from anybody else (while Ho Chi Mihn and his successors accepted help from whoever would give it to them, they were not being directed by either Moscow or Peking - as that whizz kid Henry Kissinger found out when he thought that by acquiring friendship with the USSR and China, he could then get them to call off North Vietnam!)
If a "Communist Block" under "Soviet leadership" did indeed exist, then it existed only inside Fred Franz's head!
yes, the jws continue to bleed their young ones, so far in my local kh 3 were dfd, one girl just turned 18 this month and packed her bags and said goodbye to the cult and her cultish parents, another young 18 year old man decided to have a non-jw girlfriend and decided to stop attending and is no longer a witness.
they continue to leave and wt leaders dont give a damn.
they dont do anything to help kids be successful and live a healthy life.. .
The GB takes everything away and replaces it with nothing
As WC Stevenson expressed it in his 1975 - Year of Doom? "no other religious group would demand so much from its followers, in return for so little."
For the most part, those that have remained with the JW religion seem to pay lip service to its more extreme requirements, but in private keep their own counsel. Which begs the question, why bother at all?
since the faithful and discreet slave class now opposes higher education because it allegedly brings with it 'bad association', i wonder what their take is on online education.
let's remember that distance education was pioneered by fundamentalist saudi arabia and apartheid south africa for the very reasons that the jehovah's witnesses criticize higher education.
my wife is one of the faithful and i fear for our kids future, that they will see no point in keeping their grades up.
I can only say this again - the online engineering course that I am doing does permit ready interaction between students and instructor, or between students and each other. It is a simple matter of speaking into a microphone, and listening through a set of headphones!
As to online colleges being somehow inferior to others, in this part of the world such prestigious insitutions as Deakin, Monash, Griffith and Curtin Universities offer online courses.
since the faithful and discreet slave class now opposes higher education because it allegedly brings with it 'bad association', i wonder what their take is on online education.
let's remember that distance education was pioneered by fundamentalist saudi arabia and apartheid south africa for the very reasons that the jehovah's witnesses criticize higher education.
my wife is one of the faithful and i fear for our kids future, that they will see no point in keeping their grades up.
Will they become engineers, without knowing how to collaborate and work with a team ?
Part of the online engineering course that I am doing actually includes carrying out a group project with five other students. Such technologies as Skype, Dropbox etc. now make this possible. Practical exercises are also a regular feature of this course, using a technology called "Virtual Lab." This is veryreal: - the only thing missing is the electric shock you would otherwise receive if you were being a bit careless!
Distance Education has come a long way since the days of International Correspondence Schools (ICS), and similar such institutions of the "Snail Mail" age.
All this may be derided by some, and I can quite see their point. However, on-line education does give the likes of myself a second chance
i.e. Having missed out on going to university for reasons all of us here are all too familiar with, and now working full time on remote sites, far away from any college.
it is unkind, premature and even irresponsible to label people with whom we disagree using pejorative names.. for example, labeling a movement as a cult.. consider this example:.
sociologists d. bromley and a. shupe once described what they called the tnevnoc cult.
membership was open only to women, who were required to shave their heads, change their names, and wear specific clothing once they had entered the group.
In other words, thay are a bloody cult all-right!
since the faithful and discreet slave class now opposes higher education because it allegedly brings with it 'bad association', i wonder what their take is on online education.
let's remember that distance education was pioneered by fundamentalist saudi arabia and apartheid south africa for the very reasons that the jehovah's witnesses criticize higher education.
my wife is one of the faithful and i fear for our kids future, that they will see no point in keeping their grades up.
The online Advanced Diploma course that I am currently undertaking uses what they call a "Virtual Classroom" (or "Webinar" ) to counter those difficulties of distance education that you mention. The Virtual Classroom allows students to interact with both each other and the lecturer via either the chatbox or the microphone.
Having completed the theoretical component of my appranticeship by distance education, then attempted several correspondence courses after that, I am very familiar with the problems of studying by distance education. The Virtual Classroom, though, is a very effective way of keeping students motivated. (Anybody interested in pursuing such a course could check out the website www.eit.edu.au)
As an aside, this WTS / FDS / BG nonsense about "bad associations at college" merits further comment. They are okay with a young person leaving school and going to work, but not going to college - because of the issue of "bad associations". Do those idiots really believe that a young person is not going to be exposed to "bad associations" in the workplace? If so, they they are indeedtotally out of touch with reality! (As I remember well as a 17 year old, dropped fair into the middle of an alcohol-sodden workplace environment!)
was listening to bbc radio 4 late sunday night, and in a programme about migration, they referenced the "babylonian conquest of jerusalem in 607 b.c.
" which caught my attention.. did they not mean 587 b.c., or did i understand it wrong?.
the link to the programme is below - sorry if you're not in the u.k. as you probably won't be able to listen to bbc programmes.
Where is djeggnog (or is it DJDamnfool?) right now? He used to have alot to say on this matter!
i was informed yesterday that a us cable tv channel named investigation discovery will be broadcasting a 7-part series named "deadly devotion.
" one program in the series is "witness to murder" which will air wednesday evening, august 20th, probably at 9 p.m. est.
check the schedule on the internet which lists the date and time of broadcast two-weeks ahead.
Thanks for posting this. Down here, we are unlikely to see this presentation any time soon, so I will try and get hold of a copy of the book.
take this 72 yes/no question test to find out.. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp.
"Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgemental"
Actually a bit of a worry, so was Ulysses S. Grant:
- and (those of you in America please correct me if I am wrong) I understand that he was something of a drunk?